Monday, April 21, 2014

A Peek At Our Weekend

        Rarely do we get to spend a holiday weekend at home- and by that I mean our actual home in Vancouver. So for us to be staying in the city over this Easter long weekend was something special indeed- think slow, easy and local. The weather on Friday was spectacular and so we moved the Easter egg dying out into the park with our friends- it was so great seeing what everyone came up with- adults included. Sitting in the sun was nice although it is still a little chilly- warmer days are just around the corner and before you know it we will all be complaining about how hot it is!

    Saturday was a bit of a write off as this Momma came down with the stomach bug that was going around- when Momma is down the entire house falls to anarchy apparently. Sunday morning dawned and the Easter bunny managed to make an appearance- after our egg hunt we decided some fresh air was needed. A scoot around Gastown to our new favourite bakery was called for- so over to Cadeaux Bakery we went. This was not the Easter brunch I had planned but sometimes one needs to be flexible- so I conceded all cooking on Easter to someone else- which was actually pretty relaxing.

      So our weekend may not have been exactly as imagined once again but both the Littles are happy- Miss Lo just told me she "likes Easter at home" so that's a win in my book. We didn't need to drive any place which is great as The Mr. could relax a bit as well. Our quiet little weekend was just what we needed- besides the stomach bug- next time lets skip the stomach bug!

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